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Question: Develop an abstract class “GeometricObject” which will have two variables colourand weight. It would have constructor function for setting the colour as “white” and the weight as 1.0 as default values. The class should have methods getColour() and getWeight() to return the colour and weight values to the caller. The class should have two abstract methods findArea() and findCircumference(). Write a subclass for “GeometricObject” called “Triangle” which will be able to calculate area and circumference for a triangle.

Question: Develop an abstract class “GeometricObject” which will have two variables colourand weight. It would have constructor function for setting the colour as “white” and the weight as 1.0 as default values. The class should have methods getColour() and getWeight() to return the colour and weight values to the caller. The class should have two abstract methods findArea() and findCircumference().  Write a subclass for “GeometricObject” called “Triangle” which will be able to calculate area and circumference for a triangle.

import java.util.*;

import java.math.*;

abstract class GeometricObject


            String colour;

            double weight;

            public GeometricObject()





            public String getColour()


                        return colour;


            public Double getWeight()


                        return weight;


            abstract void findArea(double x,doubley,double z);

            abstract void findCircum(double x,doubley,double z);


class Triangle extends GeometricObject


            double height,base,s1,s2,s3;

            public void findArea(double x,doubley,double z)


                        double area,p;






                        System.out.println("The area of triangle: "+area);


            public void findCircum(double x,doubley,double z)





                        double circum=s1+s2+s3;

                        System.out.println("The circumference of triangle: "+circum);



class Geometry


            public static void main(String arg[])


                        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;

                        double c,d,e;

                        System.out.print("Enter side1 of triangle:");


                        System.out.print("Enter side2 of triangle:");


                        System.out.print("Enter side3 of triangle:");


                        Triangle t=new Triangle();



                        GeometricObject go=t;

                        System.out.println("The colour of triangle is:"+t.getColour());

                        System.out.println("The weight of triangle is:"+t.getWeight());




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